What Do These Window Stickers Mean?

People put all kinds of stickers on their cars, and they usually communicate something about the driver. But this sequence of symbols is meant to be understood only by kindred spirits. Is it a Klingon text? Or maybe Dothraki?Redditor malker84 was intrigued enough to take a picture and ask if anyone could explain. ā€‹

There were some pretty good guesses, like maybe they were cow tools, or possibly gerrymandered congressional districts or even former Yugoslavian republics. But it didn't take long for a race enthusiast to recognize these as the shapes of automobile race courses.

They include Oregon Raceway Park, Pacific Raceways, Ridge Motorsports Park, Portland International Raceway, Thunderhill Raceway, and Miller Motorsport Park (now named Utah Motorsports Campus). The idea is that you put these stickers on your car after you have driven the racetrack, which does not have to be during a race. Race enthusiasts disagree whether the sticker must be on the exact car that completed the course, but they all agree that people who display these stickers without having driven the track -or even ever being there- are posers. However, they are easy to purchase online. Just be aware that when you have these stickers on your window, you must be prepared to talk track with anyone who recognizes them.

(Image credit: malker84

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