Introducing the Russian EV Amber

The Russian automaker Avtotor in Kaliningrad commissioned the Moscow Polytechnic Institute to design an electric vehicle. This week, Polytechnic presented the EV they call Amber. Just look at it! The comments at reddit are pointedly opinionated.

Looks like Peppa Pig
I want a Fiat Multipla, but worse, uglier, and in coupe form.
Pontiac Aztek with fetal alcohol syndrome.
A car for people who have abandoned all self respect and given up on life…
It looks frightened and shocked.
Looks like Milhouse when he takes off his glasses
Electric Tomato

You can imagine what the Ukrainians had to say about it

However, this car will not be sold. It's not even a prototype; it's a test platform for the technology underneath, and the body is yet to be finalized. Polytechnic was gobsmocked by the global response, but what did they expect? There was no reason to release images of an ugly test car, when they could have just shown the inner workings, since that's what they were bragging about.

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