If You Think Cybertrucks Look Like Dumpsters, You Are Not Alone

You know who are experts in identifying garbage dumpsters? Raccoons. When raccoons try to break into your Tesla Cybertruck like they would break into a city dumpster, that says something about its appearance. That's just what happened to Cybertruck owner Spidog in Minnesota during a camping trip. He awoke to find the evidence: torn trim and plenty of raccoon paw prints.

Commenters pointed out that it's more "raccoon-resistant" than "raccoon-proof," considering it will probably cost at least a thousand dollars to have the ruined rubber trim replaced. There are more images at the Cybertruck Owners Forum, where the ribbing is somewhat gentler. It's just the latest in a string of incidents that provoke misery for Cybertruck owners and mirth from non-Cybertruck owners that you can read about at Business Insider. -via Nag on the Lake 

(Top image credit: Rhododendrites

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